Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance blog

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How will NIS2 impact an information security manager?

[fa icon="calendar'] Wednesday, 05 July 2023 / by Neupart under ISO 27001, NIS2, CISO, ISO 27002

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NIS2 will have practical significance for you as an information security manager, as the requirements of the directive are directly aimed at the administration of information security.

If you need further information about NIS2, click here to get a handle on the NIS2-basics.

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Do you need to explain what ISO 27001 is?

[fa icon="calendar'] Tuesday, 06 April 2021 / by Neupart under ISO 27001, Information Security Management, Information risk management, ISMS

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We've produced this video to help you communicate the main components of an Information Security Management System (ISMS), as described in ISO 27001. You may need this information when talking to your company's management team, and getting onboard in securing your business.

Watch the video explaining what ISMS and ISO27001 are.


These four facts about ISO 27001 and an ISMS are vital in your work as someone who deals with information security, risks, or IT in general. Understanding the fundamentals and getting started the right way is the biggest step of them all.


The four facts about ISO27001 are:

  1. ISO27001 is an international standard about how to manage your information security
  2. You must know your risks!
  3. You need an Information Security Policy
  4. It is a process, not a project!


We are experts in information security (ISO 27001/-2) and GDPR, and our ISMS is an intuitive cloud-based platform where you can handle everything you need in regards to both ISO27001/-2 and GDPR.


Get deeper into information security, GDPR, and our ISMS either by browsing our knowledge base or visiting the main ISMS page here.

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GRC blog

The NorthGRC blog offers advice and knowledge of effective information security management, security strategies, risk management, compliance with information security standards and other requirements, business continuity planning, ISO2700x, EU Data Protection Regulation, PCI DSS, etc.

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